Wait Less, Enjoy More
The cashless payment app for events
Explore the ease of cashless events
With Rapio, you can order and pay for your drinks using your smartphone, all while enjoying your event to the fullest. Our user-friendly interface allows you to easily browse the available drinks, place your order and pick it up at the bar once it’s ready.

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Super efficient
Wait Less, Enjoy More
Say goodbye to long queues at the bar. With Rapio, you can order drinks without ever leaving your spot. Whether you're at a music festival, sports event, or any other type of gathering, Rapio ensures that you can enjoy your drinks hassle-free.

Advantages for event organizers

Secure safety
By using a cashless payment system, event organizers can reduce the risk of theft and fraud. Cashless transactions are more secure and less prone to theft or loss, which means more money in the organizer's pocket and less risk of financial loss.

Improve experience
The Rapio app allows for a more personalized and streamlined customer service experience. Guests can easily order and pay for their drinks, and the event staff can focus on making the drinks and providing excellent customer service. This leads to happier guests and better customer ratings for the event.

Increase sales
Rapio helps to increase sales by reducing and removing long queues at the bar. According to research, long lines discourage people from buying products and reducing wait times can lead to increased sales and customer satisfaction.
Contact Us
Do you want to book a free demo or do you have a question? We'd love to hear from you.